Monday, June 24, 2013

New York City [preview]

I'm super excited to dedicate this week's blog posts to my trip to New York City. My [awesome] friend Zhanna and I got to spend four amazing days in Manhattan and do all of the typical touristy things like watch a Broadway show (Phantom of the Opera), take a cruise around Manhattan and see the Statue of Liberty, visit the World Trade Center site, shop on Fifth Avenue (home to the largest Zara in the U.S.), bike in Central Park (my favorite part), hang out in Times Square (where we spotted Tom Hanks) and of course, EAT!!! We did not leave the city until we had a hot dog, pizza and a bagel. Luckily, we were able to stay in the lovely neighborhood of Noho, close to pretty much everything. By the end of our trip, we almost had the subway system down, which I consider to be an accomplishment considering I live in California and we pretty much drive our cars everywhere!

So, without further ado, please enjoy the upcoming posts dedicated to New York City!

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